Follow the Fish from Catch to Cook
As the world becomes increasingly aware of the damage that has been done to the marine environment it is important that the seafood industry adapts in an effort to provide more responsibly sourced and sustainable produce. However it can often be difficult for the consumer to know whether what they are buying is really the responsible option. At MCB SEAFOODS LTD we are committed to helping the consumer make the right choice by giving them easy access to all the relevant information.
Our fish are now labelled so that you can see when they were caught (ultimate guide to freshness), where they were caught (supporting locally produced food) and who caught them (supporting the inshore <10m fleet). This means that you can now very easily see exactly where your food is coming from.
All of our food is packed on ice at the first opportunity and to ensure our customers receive the best quality fish possible we are currently working towards SALSA (Safe And Local Supplier Approval) accreditation. This requires the highest standards and is a way we can demonstrate our commitment to producing only the best quality food.
Just scan the QR-code on our packaging to recieve indepth information about the fish it contains.